Should You Hire Someone for Capital Campaign Management?

When we’re determining next steps in our campaign, or we’re establishing first steps in our campaign, we might find ourselves wondering, “do we need help?”.

Do you?

Should you look for help?

How do you know?

Chances are if you’re a small shop, you’re an overworked and potentially understaffed shop, or you’re a shop looking to expand your philanthropic outreach to prospects, the answer is…YES.

In the words of Mrs. Doubtfire, “Help is on the way, dear”.

What are some reasons why you should look into hiring someone to help you with capital campaign management?

People sit around wooden table talking
  1. You have a very big capital campaign goal – If your capital campaign goal is significant, you need help regardless of staff size. Fundraising firms can conduct a feasibility study to fine tune your case statement and engage your constituencies and recommend your capital campaign structure which allows for you to maximize your capital campaign management. Managing your campaign can prove to be troublesome if your goal is substantial. Consider hiring consultants to walk alongside you in the process. A fun fact – consulting firms or outside “help” can take the place of many FTEs. Allowing for maximized results, hyper-focused campaign management, and allowing for you to focus on what is most important, cultivating and stewarding prospects and donors.

  2. You aren’t sure where to start - If you aren’t sure where to start, if the mountain before you looks too daunting to set foot on any path in any direction, consulting firms can help you to plan a successful timeline and path to achieve your goal. Outside companies can work with you to establish a plan for success that will allow for you to move forward while removing the guesswork. This eliminates the cycle of two steps forward and five steps back that non-profit fundraising teams can get caught up in.

  3. You need backup - Speaking of, If you’re a small shop, and you’re looking at all of the tasks on your daily “to-do” list while also trying to find time to lunch, breakfast, coffee, and write handwritten thank you cards to donors, consider hiring an outside company to replace several of the FTE’s that you wish you had. Look for a consulting company specializing in the mobilization and training of volunteer fundraisers working alongside you that will make your daily lift more manageable and your revenue increase. Allow for a consulting company to empower you to do your day job more effectively, through the power of volunteer fundraising.

  4. You are new to managing a capital campaign - If you’re new to fundraising, to foundation work, or to philanthropy in general, look to the experts to guide and mold you into a top notch fundraising leader. Hiring a firm to help with capital campaign management will partner you with experts in all areas of non-profit fundraising, with emphasis in programming and development specific to your sector, size, and ultimate goals.

If you’ve determined you need help with capital campaign management, the team at PRIDE Philanthropy would be honored to be the ones to help you unleash the power of philanthropy for your organization. Schedule a chat with us for free and take your fundraising to the next level!


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