Are you looking for ways to increase fundraising revenue for your nonprofit, but not finding success quickly?
PRIDE Philanthropy works with nonprofits who are tired of spinning their wheels on fundraising efforts that simply aren’t driving the needle.
Is this you?
Not sure if PRIDE can help you?
Let me guess, you…
Are about to launch a fundraising campaign
Have inconsistent philanthropic revenue
Don’t have a sustainable fundraising structure
Feel like you are always going back to the same donors
Can’t get your board engaged in philanthropy
We work with you behind the scenes with your staff, board, leadership, and volunteers every step of the way to have a greater impact for your mission. Whether you are launching a campaign or need to grow your annual giving program, our focus is dollars in the door for your organization.
But don’t take our word for it, hear from our clients:
If you have questions regarding fundraising, we have the answers. PRIDE has provided the following services to nonprofit organizations like yourself for over 100 years:
Capital Campaign Management
Business & Corporate Support
Planned Giving
Employee Giving Programs
Fundraising Operations Consulting
Feasibility Studies (learn more)
Annual Giving
Major Gifts
Special Events
Board Development
Healthcare-Focused Fundraising
But these are just the most common requests we get. Looking for something else?
Who We Work With
We work with nonprofits in any sector, and have found great success working with organizations like:
Hospices (learn more)
Community nonprofits
Human Services
Music & Arts nonprofits
And more!

We Also Provide Educational Services
Full Overview of Services
Capital Campaign and Major Project Management
Successful implementation of a fundraising campaign provides current dollars as well as a platform for future financial success. A campaign generates needed financial support, but properly designed and executed can also provide visibility and credibility with its constituencies. Raising money the “right way” allows an organization to go back to its supporters and generate charitable income on a continual basis.
A well constructed case for support will effectively increase results from private foundations. In addition, the case for support can also be effectively used for corporate and individual donors when there is a need to present a higher level of background and detail on an organization and its projects. This process of “doing our homework” has become more of a necessity in the competitive philanthropic environment.
The Study will identify in a very specific range the financial potential for charitable support for a given project and cause. This would include an organizational timetable, potential campaign/fundraising leadership, prospective large donors, an evaluation of the organization’s readiness to conduct such an effort and the community’s reception to specific fundraising for a given organization. Also included would be recommended staff and volunteer structure and methods, which best present the case for support to the community and individual prospective donors.
A strategic plan will be in place as a tool to determine ongoing priorities and activities. By focusing on these areas that yield the greatest return on the investment of resources, both human and financial, the organization can make informed and effective decisions as it looks to meet future needs. Specific calendars, deadlines and benchmarks are established to evaluate progress. In fundraising an effective and structured internal strategic progress ultimately leads to increased gift income utilizing organizational resources in their most efficient way.
The marketing plan will build upon the current marketing and communication plan by identifying and subsequently incorporating an integrated and more effective methodology for marketing the organization and its capital projects. Increased communication and awareness of programs are expanded through the use of online marketing techniques and programs.
Through this service, an organization will learn how to effectively utilize Story to generate additional stories resulting in an extraordinary impact for your organization that can change your fundraising culture, deeply engage your donors, and differentiate your fundraising and organization in your community. Successful philanthropy requires an investment in planning tools and skills. The PRIDE Team will work with your leadership and fundraising team to mine, make and apply story and maximize their use within your organization. Other tools and templates such as the plan of action and story development chart will be provided. The organization will be able to identify stories for fundraising and leadership team, be provided with tools for identifying and generating additional stories, create a Plan of Action including Skill Development and a process for application of stories.
Fundraising programs become truly successful when they consistently grow and prosper beyond a single capital campaign. Campaigns are effective in addressing immediate needs, and can help establish levels of support resulting from sustained relationships with volunteer leaders and donors. The framework for that type of sustained program will be combined with a process to bring individuals who give time and money on an ongoing, increasing basis.
Core Components
A well organized annual giving program will increase public awareness about an organization and build a constituency of support from individuals who are committed financially. Annual gift donors often become involved in some volunteer capacity in the development organization. Those who make annual gifts to an organization build on a “habit of giving”, and most major gifts and planned gifts are from those who have been members of the Annual Gifts Club. Once someone contributes to a cause, they have identified themselves as one who believes in, and supports its work.
Visible organizational and financial support will be generated through a thoughtful, strategic process. An understanding of an organization’s issues, the charitable economy, and the importance of corporate citizenship will be woven into the fabric of the nonprofit’s position within its constituency.
Short term result is raised expectations by the organization and donors on the significant impact of large gifts. The long term result of a well-organized, comprehensive major gifts effort is the broader view of philanthropy which matches an organization’s needs with the donors’ interests. There will be increased understanding that large gifts are generated when donors are allowed to participate in both the vision and funding of a particular need. For sizeable fundraising efforts, major gifts will be well over half of total dollars raised.
This process is designed to increase the number of planned gift expectancies and level of cash received as those expectancies mature. Focusing on an actual process of asking for the planned gift will generate results. Qualifying the prospects with both the capacity and inclination to make this type of gift is the first step in a process that involves the organization, the prospective donor and his or her advisors. Pride Philanthropy has an experienced Planned Gifts Specialist to guide and support this important component of a comprehensive development program for its clients.
Social interaction, excitement, organization, planning, visibility and financial success can all be achieved through a well-executed fundraising event. The image of the organization and involvement of new constituents are always balanced by profitability. An effectively conceived event will lead to new supporters, enhanced image, and staff and financial efficiency.
Implemented properly, success with this key constituency provides an outstanding initial base of support, communicates commitment and generates substantial levels of gift income to the organization. Additionally, the internal communication about a given campaign or project is directed toward those who are our most effective ambassadors in the community. This combination of communication, enthusiasm and dollars provide the platform of success for an overall campaign.
Board Development
Specific deliverables include a written report and formal presentation of findings and recommendations. The report and presentation will provide recommendations on:
• Bylaws
• Committee Charters
• Trustee Expectations
• Volunteer Job Descriptions
• Committee Structure and Membership
• Orientation Materials
• Succession Plan
The result will be a more efficient and functional organization, clearly focused on its charitable mission, and supported by a robust governance process. -
Through this service, we develop a board with an effective structure and individuals who clearly understand their roles and responsibilities. At times boards change their emphasis and direction. This process helps to make that transition while attracting additional community leadership to the organization. Any fundraising organization will see expanded financial results as well as a more effective management support group. Positive visibility and gift income will increase through this process.
A well formulated plan will allow for more effective integration of the foundation into the overall organization’s strategic plan. Board members will leave with a clear and comfortable vision of their specific roles and responsibilities in relation to fundraising for specific projects and programs. Appropriate goals will be set as a result of “buy in” and clearer understanding by those who are responsible for attaining the results.
The participants will have a higher sense of confidence and willingness to actively make fundraising visits. While addressing the barriers which may be present for some individuals, the process provides the tools and specific steps from making the appointment all the way to “closing” a gift in a successful and positive way. The result will be an increase in the quantity and quality of fundraising visits that are made by an organization.
Keeping your current donors is nearly seven times less expensive than acquiring new ones, and our 7 Touches Stewardship Program helps ensure our donors stay for a lifetime. If you are struggling with donor fatigue and finding new prospects, this program will help get you back on track.
Fundraising Operations
A written and verbal report will be delivered with the analysis and recommendations. The report is comprehensive in evaluating all areas, but will focus on recommendations and would take into account budgetary and practical issues with which the organization is contending. The local environment varies for each organization and community, which influences the recommended course of action.
The service deliverable will include a comprehensive report including the why’s and how-to’s, detailed recommendations, timelines, peer samples and “best practice” templates, and clearly measurable outcomes and objectives.
While our clients employ different database software – Raiser’s Edge, eTapestry, Donor Perfect, Results, and others – each of which have unique configuration and reporting capabilities; there are, nonetheless, consistent strategies for data input, reporting and use. Our review and recommendations will outline what data must be maintained and how, and enable you to work collaboratively with your software vendor to build the menus and reports necessary to systematically manage the identification, cultivation, solicitation and stewardship of your donors and prospects.
Pride will define and recommend appropriate staff activity targets, including measurable benchmarks for solicitation and cultivation. We will outline meaningful use of the database, to support moves management, and the use of reports to track, review, and manage this ongoing process. Finally, we will propose a prospect ranking system for the regular review and reprioritization of your major gifts prospect funnel, and specific recommendations on how to effectively use your database to full support moves management.
The result of this service will be an organization and staff efficiently focusing time and energy on making more of the right cultivation and solicitation calls on qualified and prioritized prospects and donors, resulting in a stronger major gifts program and improved overall financial results. -
Our team follows the latest industry best practices in donor recognition techniques that both keep your donors engaged and draw attention to your philanthropy program in the community. Not sure where to begin with recognition? We have templates and policies in place ready to customize for your organization to take the guesswork out of donor recognition.
A final written report will itemize any gaps in existing policy, recommend any appropriate additions or changes to existing policy, and provide and appendix of templates for new and needed policy not yet in place.
A written and verbal report will be delivered with the analysis and recommendations. The report is comprehensive in evaluating all areas, but will focus on recommendations for change and improvement in operations and structure. Those recommendations would take into account budgetary and practical issues with which the organization is contending. The local environment varies for each organization and community which influences the recommended course of action.
This innovative, unique service provides an ongoing process of identification, research, engagement, and cultivation of current donors and prospective donors. By incorporating a comprehensive assessment process that utilizes effective, streamlined research and interview techniques, the organization will significantly expand its prospective donor base and increase the number of prospects who are “ready to be asked”. A coordinated, focused approach to prospect assessment generates specific useful information to position the client organization to make the most effective presentations to their best prospects for the maximum gift amount.
Use of technology should be integral to your organization’s goals and growth — increased communication and support from use of technology tools will result in increased financial support from your constituency.
A well constructed case for support will effectively increase results from private foundations. In addition, the case for support can also be effectively used for corporate and individual donors when there is a need to present a higher level of background and detail on an institution and its projects. This process of “doing our homework” has become more of a necessity in the competitive philanthropic environment.
By volunteering and giving money to a specific cause, a woman is beginning a long-term relationship with your organization. Engaging women of all generations in the power of community philanthropy will have a greater impact as a group than as individuals when giving. By combining their gifts (efforts) they can make a more significant and visible impact with collective giving and increase awareness about philanthropy for your organization. Establishing a concentrated effort with this constituency, you will be giving women an opportunity to effect change while addressing the Six C’s that motivate women for giving – Create, Change, Connect, Commit, Collaborate and Celebrate.
This service line allows a growing or already successful program to capture that key missing age demographic. Philanthropic-minded young business professionals who are looking for an outlet, social group, or means of giving back to the community now have a convenient and engaging way to become involved in the program and get excited about the organization’s mission. The long-term goal is to be the trendiest charity in the community to attract and retain up and coming talent that will bring longevity to the fundraising program.
Healthcare-Focused Fundraising
This is an opportunity to address a constituency that has always been of interest to organizations. The method is a proactive process of communication and cultivation that moves our most appreciative constituents to becoming a donor of annual, capital and planned gifts. The emphasis is on building a relationship for a lifetime of involvement and support. An additional benefit is the educational component about the organization with key individuals in the community who have had positive patient or family experience.
Success with physician donors not only generates substantial levels of gift income, but more importantly helps demonstrate confidence to other potential donors that the physicians endorse and support the organization. Physicians with diverse interests and different internal and external constituencies become increasingly engaged in both cultivation and solicitation initiatives. Enhanced internal communication through these physician giving techniques and strategies expands the overall visibility of the need and projects, thus enhancing the organization’s ability to generate development funds.
An acceptance and thorough understanding of the organization as a valuable asset, worthy of philanthropic support, is a result of the process. Through education, volunteer opportunities, giving programs, and projects completed through philanthropy, value is demonstrated to both internal and external constituencies. Consistent communication and growth of charitable support will not only demonstrate success, but also encourage charitable largesse well into the future.

Ready to start growing your philanthropy program?