$4 Million to Enhance the Well-Being of Georgians

Georgia Healthy Family Alliance


Name Georgia Healthy Family Alliance
Sector Healthcare: Community
Location Tucker, GA

Situation & Goals

The campaign was structured to raise $4M to fulfill its mission to enhance the well-being of Georgians through outreach programs that promote healthy practices. Another goal of the campaign was to further the organizational capacity of the Alliance to increase the number of community health grants and Tar Wars presentations statewide.


Philanthropically engage and mobilize a statewide association of family practice physicians in their initial, dual-pillar campaign.


  • (1st pillar) Expand physician member-sponsored Community Grants program (also added Immediate Needs Grants during pandemic) to underserved populations throughout Georgia

  • (2nd pillar) Implement Tar Wars anti-tobacco and vaping education program in schools in targeted Strike Force communities

  • Cultivate and solicit signature gift ($50,000 and above) support from hospitals and corporations statewide

  • Expand donor giving clubs with focus on Caduceus Society ($10,000 and above)

  • Optimize philanthropy director efforts by utilizing physician leaders and senior association staff as volunteer connectors and closers


  • Exceeded $4 Million

  • 49,000+ Georgia students received Tar Wars education in 2022-23 school year

  • Distributed over $500,000 in Community Grants plus 53 Immediate Needs Grants during campaign

And we would not have hit our milestone goal of $4,000,000 without the support and leadership of PRIDE Philanthropy! Cheers to many more millions to spread out for our urgent health needs in Georgia!
— Fay Fulton, MHS
Executive Director | Georgia Healthy Family Alliance | Tucker, Georgia

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