Volunteer Management Jared Lyons Volunteer Management Jared Lyons

Tips and Tricks for Leveraging Volunteers for Fundraising Success

6. Give Them Assignments

The instinct with working with volunteer fundraisers can sometimes be,”Well, I don’t want to overload them by giving them stuff to do, because then they might leave…”. In reality though, if they have agreed to help then giving regular assignments usually helps with volunteer retention rather than hurts it. People want to feel like they are contributing. The balance with this is in not giving them too much at all once. Typically best practice would be small assignment in a short timeframe, rather than longer assignment in a longer timeframe.

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Volunteer Management Jake Lyons, CFRE, ACNP Volunteer Management Jake Lyons, CFRE, ACNP

Volunteer Fundraising: It’s Difficult, and it Works

1. Maximizing Your Staff Time:

Every nonprofit, regardless of its size, has a limit to its human resources. And every fundraiser knows that building connections isn't a mere nine-to-five job; it extends beyond regular working hours. Volunteers, especially those who are passionate and believe in your cause, can exponentially increase your reach without stretching your full-time staff too thin. They're the extra hands, ears, and voices that magnify your efforts that do not negatively impact your nonprofit’s bottom line.

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Volunteer Management Jake Lyons, CFRE, ACNP Volunteer Management Jake Lyons, CFRE, ACNP

Acknowledging Your Fundraising Volunteers: Appreciation That Counts

1. Publicly Recognize Their Efforts:

In the age of social media, publicly recognizing your volunteers can be a powerful way to show appreciation. Share stories of their contributions on your website, blog, newsletter, or social media channels. A "Volunteer Spotlight" feature can make them feel valued and inspire others to join your cause.

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Volunteer Management Jake Lyons, CFRE, ACNP Volunteer Management Jake Lyons, CFRE, ACNP

The 4 Critical Steps to Keeping Our Fundraising Volunteers Engaged

Folks have a lot of choices of places where they could give of their time, talents, and expertise. If we are able to be the organization they select to give back to by volunteering and if we become their charity of choice, the impact they will have on our programs will be everlasting. Volunteers like to be successful and to be part of something positive for their community.

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Volunteer Management Jake Lyons, CFRE, ACNP Volunteer Management Jake Lyons, CFRE, ACNP

Your Charity's Strongest Resource: Volunteer Fundraisers

For nonprofits it’s almost impossible to assign a dollar value to the incredible benefits of strong volunteer leaders. Because the competition in nonprofits is often as much for leadership as it is for funding, volunteers who commit to support your nonprofit’s mission as proactive connectors, cultivators or closers of gifts are invaluable.

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