- Asking for Donations
- Campaign Management
- CFRE Information
- Cryptocurrency
- Database Management
- Donor Retention
- Feasibility Studies
- Fundraising Events
- Fundraising Psychology
- Fundraising Tips
- Gift Recognition
- Hospice Philanthropy
- Nonprofit Boards
- Online Giving
- Prospect Research
- Time Management
- Volunteer Management
4 Critical Factors when Hiring a Fundraising Firm
When hiring a fundraising firm, you’re doing just that, hiring additional fundraising FTE’s to help you bring philanthropic revenue through the door. If you wouldn’t hire each person that will be working with your team actually onto your team, don’t hire them as your fundraising firm.
Top Fundraising Programs Do THIS Every October
With not enough time to do everything, or at least not enough time to do everything well, we can take lessons from our top earning nonprofit clients, along with national data to show where fundraising staff should be spending their time every October.
Should You Hire Someone for Capital Campaign Management?
Chances are if you’re a small shop, you’re an overworked and potentially understaffed shop, or you’re a shop looking to expand your philanthropic outreach to prospects, the answer is…YES.
The Ultimate Guide to Cryptocurrency in Fundraising for Nonprofits
If you are new to cryptocurrency or fundraising (or both!) and need to go from little to no knowledge to being fully up to speed in 2022 on how they intersect, this is the free guide for you! We’ll explain everything you need to know in terms people can actually understand.
Do You Keep These 4 Things in Mind While Presenting to a Donor?
You should customize each presentation based on each prospect’s values and what you have learned is important to them. Never do cookie cutter presentations or your prospect will never feel like their desires are understood.
10 Tips for Your Fundraising Campaign that ACTUALLY Help
Set a fundraising goal – Be specific with what you are trying to accomplish. Focus on the dollars needed and set specific, measurable goals so that you can inspire action and track financial growth and results.
4 Simple Website Updates That Increase Giving
If a donor has to dig through your site to figure out what it is your charity does for the community or even the world, they are instantly hesitant to support you financially. If first impressions are everything, yours must be clear in the first 3 seconds of viewing the site.
Need Outside Help Getting Your Capital Campaign Moving? Here is how to Decide
Do you have the bandwidth to figure out all of the who, what, when, where, why and how you need for a successful campaign? Or, would it be better to have someone with experience help you with the roadmap for success…
4 Easy Changes to Get the MOST from your Fundraising CRM
Marketing your cause to the masses can often feel like shouting into the void, but marketing your cause to your constituency and those who already know what you do is extremely purposeful.
Fundraisers with a CFRE Make WAY More - Here's How Much
“Respect for the CFRE credential is highly prized in my city, also, there are more jobs in fundraising than people to fill them. Nonprofits are compensating competitively due to this.”
Your Board Won't Help Fundraise? Try These 5 Tips!
The first thing to keep in mind is, that in 9 of out 10 cases, raising money was not mentioned when the board was recruited. They agreed to serve on their own time with no pay to help their community, and when your predecessor had the conversation, philanthropy was not part of it.
Crypto Donations Average Almost $13k/Donor on THIS Day
For nonprofits, the key is not to try to shift from cash giving to crypto giving, but to simply add accepting crypto to the fundraiser tool belt. Donors looking to give away tens of thousands of dollars this year…
Are you “Firing” Your Donors? The Answer is in Your Donor Cycle
Discovering and evaluating prospective donors, and their interests, relationships, inclination to give, and philanthropic capacity to support an organization’s fundraising efforts.
How Does “Fundraising Ideas” Always Seem to Mean “Fundraising Events”?
Inevitably someone is tasked with being a first-time “fundraiser”, and with no experience or idea where to start, searches on Google some variation of “Fundraising Ideas” only to find pages and pages of blogs/articles that say “Easy fundraising ideas!” “Cheap fundraising ideas” “The 70 best fundraising ideas for nonprofits!”
Can Hospice Philanthropy Keep Up with Rapid Industry Growth?
Even though reimbursement rates are projected to increase alongside the industry need, philanthropy programs will have to scale at the same rate to support the out of pocket costs for nonprofit hospice organizations.
Why Every Nonprofit Should be Set Up to Accept Cryptocurrency
Their early success was surprising enough, but he then told me they had over the last year received thousands of dollars in anonymous donations without making a single ask.
Why Fundraising for Hospice is Different: How to Still Exceed Goals
We raise money for a service that everyone could need. Not that humane societies and community colleges are not important in our lives, but they may not be significant in EVERYONE’s life. Hospice, on the other hand, is a community service that any of us could need any given year.
7 Steps to Conduct the Perfect Nonprofit Board Retreat
Have your agenda be “action oriented”. This means decisions need to be made, tasks accomplished, objectives set, and problems solved. Sometimes even with the best of intentions, meetings become about reporting information, which can be put in written form and read at any time.
Prospect Research: How Do the Pros ACTUALLY Do it?
We must act as Internet detectives to sort through all the information in cyberspace to get to the meaningful and accurate nuggets of information that will be useful in profiling a donor. Knowing the full name (with the middle name, maiden name and any generational names), last known address and birthdate of your prospects as well as any business affiliations they may have or have had will allow you to drill through the vast amount of data that is out there quickly and efficiently.
The 4 Critical Steps to Keeping Our Fundraising Volunteers Engaged
Folks have a lot of choices of places where they could give of their time, talents, and expertise. If we are able to be the organization they select to give back to by volunteering and if we become their charity of choice, the impact they will have on our programs will be everlasting. Volunteers like to be successful and to be part of something positive for their community.